Sunday, December 27, 2009

A New Beginning... (At the 4th day before year-end??)

Well yes!

You can change even if it's kinda late;as long as the WILL has grasped you,then GO! And I think that was what just happened to me.

Last Dec.18 was our CHRISTMAS PARTY in school. I was with the SLDM, our section, and our class adviser, Miss Evelyn Alvarez, a Math genius. Before I left for home, someone gave me an adorable necklace as a gift...and I wear it a lot. :) And then there were the pahabol picture takings... of our barkada during freshmen years(the Demon tribe and the DNCS) whom I treasure the most, and other friends.

So I looked in the classroom. Clean? Check. The gifts? Check. Wait, the reading corner? Lemme take a look. It's been a while since I read a book! Two weeks? Anyway, there's this URGE in me to grab this certain pink reading material. 'True Beauty' by Andrea Stephens. A girl stood the cover,smelling a sunflower. Pretty interesting. I slid it in my bulging polka-dot plastic, and trotted home.

Oh,this is a book I've been searching for! A spiritual heart surgeon. A welcoming door to GOD. I love it to PIECES! => From that day on, I practiced what were written there, prayed a lot more than I used to, and digested the precious Scripture... Though it's tough not to fall off track, it seems rewarding knowing that YOU CAN CHANGE. Knowing that YOU CAN BE BEAUTIFUL. And knowing that YOU CAN LOVE.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone! God is always with us.

The HOL SPIRIT in you is greater than all the forces of evil in this world.

~1 John 4:4